Showing 1 - 25 of 207 Results
Elements of Civil Knowledge by Henry Redhead Yorke, Esq by Yorke, Henry Redhead ISBN: 9781170596036 List Price: $32.75
Reason Urged Against Precedent, in a Letter to the People of Derby by Henry Yorke by Yorke, Henry Redhead ISBN: 9781170778395 List Price: $17.75
On the Means of Saving Our Country by Yorke, Henry Redhead ISBN: 9781170029923 List Price: $22.75
France in Eighteen Hundred and Two (1906) by Yorke, Henry Redhead ISBN: 9780217479691 List Price: $17.97
Naval History of Great Britain, Including the History and Lives of the British Admirals by Campbell, John, Yorke, Henr... ISBN: 9781176868595 List Price: $44.75
Naval History of Great Britain, Including the History and Lives of the British Admirals by Campbell, John, Yorke, Henr... ISBN: 9781177409711 List Price: $41.75
Naval History of Great Britain, Including the History and Lives of the British Admirals by Campbell, John, Yorke, Henr... ISBN: 9781177539708 List Price: $39.75
Naval History of Great Britain, Including the History and Lives of the British Admirals by Campbell, John, Yorke, Henr... ISBN: 9781177539722 List Price: $40.75
Naval History of Great Britain, Including the History and Lives of the British Admirals by Campbell, John, Yorke, Henr... ISBN: 9781177539876 List Price: $39.75
Lives of the British Admirals V4 : Containing A New and Accurate Naval History from the Earl... by Campbell, John, Berkenhout,... ISBN: 9781166623258 List Price: $32.76
Lives of the British Admirals V4 : Containing A New and Accurate Naval History from the Earl... by Campbell, John, Berkenhout,... ISBN: 9781166674526 List Price: $44.76
Lives of the British Admirals : Containing an Accurate Naval History, from the Earliest Peri... by Campbell, John, Berkenhout,... ISBN: 9781176024397 List Price: $40.75
Lives of the British Admirals, Containing an Accurate Naval History from the Earliest Period... by Campbell, John, Berkenhout,... ISBN: 9781178624328 List Price: $41.75
Thoughts on Civil Government : Addressed to the disfranchised citizens of Sheffield. by Henr... by Yorke, Henry Redhead ISBN: 9781140692447 List Price: $17.75
Naval history of Great Britain, including the history and lives of the British admirals by John Campbell, Henry Redhea... ISBN: 9781179428499 List Price: $41.75
Trial of Henry Yorke, for a Conspiracy, and C Before the Hon Mr Justice Rooke, at the Assize... by Yorke, Henry Redhead ISBN: 9781179919256 List Price: $23.75
Letters from France V1: In 1802 (1804) by Yorke, Henry Redhead ISBN: 9781437258929 List Price: $48.95
France In Eighteen Hundred And Two by Yorke, Henry Redhead ISBN: 9781103867523 List Price: $20.99
France In Eighteen Hundred And Two by Yorke, Henry Redhead ISBN: 9781103867615 List Price: $26.99
France in Eighteen Hundred and Two, Described in a Series of Contemporary Letters by Yorke, Henry Redhead ISBN: 9781152246959 List Price: $30.61
The Trial of Henry Yorke, for a Conspiracy, by Yorke, Henry Redhead ISBN: 9781151204134 List Price: $25.88
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